
quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016

DIVULGAÇÃO SRI Atividades do Compostela Group of Universities. VIDEO CONTEST

Atividades do Compostela Group of Universities

A Universidade do Minho integra a rede Grupo Compostela de Universidades (CGU), constituída por mais de 60 instituições de ensino superior de todo o mundo, cujas atividades para o presente ano letivo se divulgam em baixo:

Research Pitches Contest
A new activity addressed to researchers and PhD students. It is a scientific monologues contest of any knowledge field. The aim is to show and value the impact of research. A monetary prize will be awarded to the winners: 1,000 euros gross amount to be distributed among winners.
How to run the Contest? Two ways: 1) to organize an internal research pitches competition and then send the winner, or up to the top 3, to the CGU or; 2) to promote the CGU’s contest through the university’s communication tools and select  a  maximum  of  3  among the pitches received, to send them to the CGU.
All information is available in the Contest Regulations.

Video Contest for students
Activity addressed to students, who can participate with short videos on the proposed topics (consult the guidelines  http://revistas.usc.es/gcompostela/en/descargas/VIVC_CGUxs_V_International_Video_Contest_Guidelines201617__FINALVERSION.pdf). New this year: monetary prizes will be awarded to the three best videos.

Mobility programme for students, with the main aim to offer them professional tranships within a department at member Universities. The training periods are flexible in order to facilitate the participation of students and universities. All information in the guidelines!

Caso tenha interesse em participar em qualquer uma destas iniciativas, queira, por favor, contactar os Serviços de Relações Internacionais.

Mais informação disponível do site do CGU ou na Newsletter em anexo.

Serviços de Relações Internacionais
Universidade do Minho

Campus de Gualtar                      Campus de Azurém
4710-057 Braga                          4800-058 Guimarães
Tel: +351-253-604505                 Tel: +351-253-510169
Fax: +351-253-604509                Fax: +351-253-510125
Nova página para estudantes IN e OUT: alunos.uminho.pt

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